Sunday, 11 December 2016

LASIK Eye Surgery Gives Relief from Wearing Corrective Glasses

Ophthalmologists typically prescribe corrective glasses for distance vision problems. However, corrective glasses may become bothersome to wear, especially when they make you feel and look unattractive. If this is the case, consider LASIK treatment in Bangalore. Bladeless LASIK treatment can eliminate the need to wear corrective glasses forever as it helps correct your vision. As long as you are a good candidate for the surgery, laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) can correct your vision by reshaping your cornea and improve the way your eye can focus light onto your retina. The laser treatment is performed using the femtosecond laser which creates precise corneal incisions.

LASIK treatment is offered at various reputable and accredited eye hospitals in Bangalore, but before you consider the procedure, you need to let a qualified ophthalmologist see you for a check-up. The procedure uses lasers to reshape the cornea and the treatment is permanent. Hence, it is important for the eye doctor to evaluate you and determine if it is the right treatment that can correct your vision.

Before you go for LASIK surgery in Bangalore, it is important to set realistic expectations on the results of the surgery. LASIK corrects your need for distance vision glasses due to refractive errors like myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism. Good candidates for LASIK surgery are typically individuals who are at least 18 years old and have no change in their spectacle power for a year. A scan of the corneal surface known as corneal topography is done before the procedure and should be normal. High spectacle power can be associated with weak areas in the retina. These can be safely treated prior to the LASIK treatment and is not a contraindication. Patients with diabetes can undergo the procedure after blood sugar control.

The procedure is safe and painless and one can quickly resume regular day to day activities. Computer, television and mobile phone viewing can be restarted from the very next day.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Laser Eye Surgery for Glaucoma in India

Glaucoma is a condition that is characterized by unhealthy pressure within an eye, resulting in optic nerve damage and vision problems. Glaucoma occurs when there is raise in  intraocular pressure, which happens when there are changes in the eye’s drainage system, such as a blockage or a resistance to the normal drainage process.
Symptoms include reduced field of vision,  scotoma (the sensation of having a blind area within your field of vision), halos around light, eye pain, problems with focusing vision, and exercise-related headaches. Glaucoma is typically managed with proper medication, but surgery at an eye hospital in Coimbatore in the form of trabeculoplasty may be necessary if the eye pressure cannot be controlled with medication. Laser trabeculoplasty and laser iridotomy are the most advanced modern laser available to treat Glacuoma in india.

Medications may help manage certain kinds of glaucoma, but laser treatment may be recommended for effective treatment, especially if the condition has begun interfering with your lifestyle or livelihood. Eye hospitals in Tamilnadu have state-of-the-art facilities that are qualified to conduct laser iridotomy using advanced Zeiss YAG laser, the type of laser that is recommended for angle closure glaucoma. Laser trabeculoplasty may be administered using the diode laser alone or in combination with YAG lasers in some cases, too.

Only qualified ophthalmic surgeons should administer YAG laser eye surgery at accredited eye hospitals in Coimbatore. Laser surgery should not hurt, and the treatment is considered an outpatient procedure. YAG laser is used to create an outflow channel in the eye to decrease the pressure within.

Before YAG laser eye surgery, it is important for the surgeon to see you at one of the eye hospitals in Tamilnadu. Qualified Glaucoma surgeons will conduct your routine check-up and a routine glaucoma test, which includes measuring the intraocular pressure, angle evaluation, corneal thickness and a detailed evaluation of visual fields. The laser procedure may be conducted on the same day, or you can arrange it on a more convenient date or time.

Friday, 28 October 2016

LASIK Surgery Or Contacts: Which Treatment Is Right For You?

If you are thinking of undergoing LASIK eye surgery in Bangalore and are worried about safety, then you must be wondering—should you just use contacts instead? Which option is safer—contacts or LASIK?

Contrary to what most people believe, the safer route for a majority of patients is LASIK. This does not mean that contacts are dangerous, though, because they are very safe and have in fact been used by millions of people with great success (provided that they are properly fitted). But LASIK is a much safer option—and the numbers prove this. Studies show that over a lifetime, the risk of serious vision loss is 3.5 times greater for those who wear contact lenses than for patients who undergo LASIK. There is no question that
LASIK treatment in Bangalore is very safe as long you go to a reputable hospital and a reputable surgeon. Be sure to have the procedure done in an established clinic with more than a decade’s worth of successful track records.

Contact lenses when worn over a prolonged period could lead to dry eye. As the contact lens sits on the cornea, the corneal sensations gradually get diminished and as a result tear production goes down. This is reversible on discontinuation of contact lenses in the early phase but could become a permanent dry eye disease if contact lenses are persisted with. Contact lenses could also lead to frequent episodes of allergy which need to be promptly treated with anti allergic medication and discontinuation of contact lenses. Another rare but devastating complication of contact lenses is infection of the cornea which can result from microtrauma caused by the contact lenses. These corneal infections can potentially be sight threatening and even treated early could result in corneal scars which can compromise vision.

But Which Option is Right for You?

When you go to a hospital offering, you will learn more about your options so you can make an informed decision. The best eye hospitals educate their patients on all available options to help them make an educated choice. Whether you choose to undergo LASIK or to have contacts fitted, the eye doctor and the hospital will be able to help you.

Before you can be approved to undergo LASIK treatment in Bangalore, the eye doctor will first determine if your corrective prescription is stable. A detailed scan of your corneas will be taken and a through assessment will be made to ensure that you're a suitable candidate to undergo safe LASIK surgery. You also have to be over 21 years of age and must be free from major eye diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma, chronic herpes infection, or diabetic eye damage. The optometrist will perform a thorough evaluation of your eye, assessing its corneal shape and thickness among many other factors. If you are a good candidate, a surgery can then be scheduled.

Monday, 10 October 2016

Best LASIK Eye Surgery Hospitals in Tamilnadu

If you are looking for world-class LASIK surgery and care, then you need to go to an eye center or hospital that offers bladeless LASIK.Bladeless LASIK uses laser energy instead of the microkeratome(mechanical) blade that is traditionally used when creating a thin flap in the cornea. Bladeless LASIK has greatly enhanced the safety and precision of the procedure with fewer complications and riskscompared to Microkeratome(Mechanical) Lasik surgery. Whether you want to have the surgery done in one of the top eye hospitals in Tamilnadu or a reputable eye hospital in Coimbatore, you will want to be handled by the best LASIK surgeons with access to high-quality facilities.

Choose an eye surgery hospital in Tamilnadu that has been performing LASIK for more than a decade. Some of the best ones have been offering this type of eye surgery since 1997 and have successfully done more than40,000 Lasik procedures. Such hospitals continue to invest in the latest equipment and world-class training to ensure the best results. You can be sure that they can provide 100 % blade freeLasik procedures. Some of the best
eye hospitals in Coimbatore use Excimer laser WAVELIGHT EX500 which is the fastest and most accurate laser which is available currently anywhere in the world. It takes a mere 1.3 seconds for a dioptre of correction making it exceedingly safe and precise. (mention one difference or a significance)

The latest bladeless LASIK technique is called ReLEx SMILE (small incision lenticular extraction),which is also offered by India’s first-rate eye surgery centers. This LASIK procedure is 100% bladeless and flapless while allowing superior precision, comfort, and safety. Post operative recovery time is also much faster so you can get back to your regular life as soon as possible. With ReLEx SMILE, the surgeon only needs to make alenticule and a small incision (about 2 to 4 mm) inside the intact cornea. This enables a side cut that is 80% smaller compared to a traditional LASIK flap. As the amount of corneal tissue which is cut is lesser, the healing is faster and the patients can get back to their daily activities the very next day. The SMILE procedure also ensure that the number of corneal nerves which are cut are also much less as compared to LASIK and therefore the requirement for additional drops and medication is also greatly reduced post surgery.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Cataract Eye Surgery Brings A Ray Of Hope In The Lives Of Millions

Decline in vision can compromise quality of life in individuals across all age groups and every walk of life. Cataract not just affects a person’s sight, but gradually also affects your lifestyle. In this write-up by The Eye Foundation, you will come to know why cataract eye surgery is considered as a reason to bring a hope in the lives of those suffering from it.
Cataract Eye Surgery

Common difficulties faced by the people with cataract

Cataract is the clouding of the natural lens in the eye, which starts out small and has little effect on your vision in the initial stages. As it progresses, it causes blurred, dimmed vision, making it difficult for the patient to see clearly. The person suffering from it experiences increased sensitivity to light and glare, and colors may often appear faded. Some other difficulties include:

• Seeing halos around lights
• Frequent changes in eye glass prescription
• Double vision 

How cataract surgery transforms the lives of the patients

Cataracts are not harmful, but when they start causing significant challenges in the vision, it’s time to consider surgery. With the use of modern technology, cataract surgery can offer immediate cure with excellent long term safety and efficacy . Here are some ways cataract surgery can enhance everyday living:

• Cataract surgery improves patients ‘working capacity.
• Cataract reduces the risk of injuries in elderly patients due to falling.
• Some recent studies also indicate life-quality improvements in Alzheimer’s patients.
• Patients can enjoy hobbies like reading, sewing, knitting etc, which means a person is stimulated and mentally engaged, which leads to mood improvement and drop in anxiety levels.
• The patient is able to participate in social activities, which brings positivity in his/her life.

Cataract surgery gives more than just clear vision. It enables patients to live a normal life again and do the activities they enjoy in a safer way. Contact the experts at The Eye Foundation today for a thorough evaluation and to know if surgery is absolutely necessary in your case. 

Why choose The Eye Foundation?

The Eye Foundation is one of the best institutions in India providing specialty services for ocular diseases and eye disorders at clinics in various cities across India. The reputed facility provides state of the art treatment for the entire gamut of eye diseases at an affordable price delivered in the most professional manner.

To know more, visit - The Eye Foundation