Friday, 28 October 2016

LASIK Surgery Or Contacts: Which Treatment Is Right For You?

If you are thinking of undergoing LASIK eye surgery in Bangalore and are worried about safety, then you must be wondering—should you just use contacts instead? Which option is safer—contacts or LASIK?

Contrary to what most people believe, the safer route for a majority of patients is LASIK. This does not mean that contacts are dangerous, though, because they are very safe and have in fact been used by millions of people with great success (provided that they are properly fitted). But LASIK is a much safer option—and the numbers prove this. Studies show that over a lifetime, the risk of serious vision loss is 3.5 times greater for those who wear contact lenses than for patients who undergo LASIK. There is no question that
LASIK treatment in Bangalore is very safe as long you go to a reputable hospital and a reputable surgeon. Be sure to have the procedure done in an established clinic with more than a decade’s worth of successful track records.

Contact lenses when worn over a prolonged period could lead to dry eye. As the contact lens sits on the cornea, the corneal sensations gradually get diminished and as a result tear production goes down. This is reversible on discontinuation of contact lenses in the early phase but could become a permanent dry eye disease if contact lenses are persisted with. Contact lenses could also lead to frequent episodes of allergy which need to be promptly treated with anti allergic medication and discontinuation of contact lenses. Another rare but devastating complication of contact lenses is infection of the cornea which can result from microtrauma caused by the contact lenses. These corneal infections can potentially be sight threatening and even treated early could result in corneal scars which can compromise vision.

But Which Option is Right for You?

When you go to a hospital offering, you will learn more about your options so you can make an informed decision. The best eye hospitals educate their patients on all available options to help them make an educated choice. Whether you choose to undergo LASIK or to have contacts fitted, the eye doctor and the hospital will be able to help you.

Before you can be approved to undergo LASIK treatment in Bangalore, the eye doctor will first determine if your corrective prescription is stable. A detailed scan of your corneas will be taken and a through assessment will be made to ensure that you're a suitable candidate to undergo safe LASIK surgery. You also have to be over 21 years of age and must be free from major eye diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma, chronic herpes infection, or diabetic eye damage. The optometrist will perform a thorough evaluation of your eye, assessing its corneal shape and thickness among many other factors. If you are a good candidate, a surgery can then be scheduled.

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